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Ztmgoxi3ozkt1etomun2c2mdlse 4x1 – Episode 1

Uhtred receives news that Bebbanburg's defences have been weakened by Scottish attacks and plans to seize his birthright, but Edward refuses to help.

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4u1t4s5dscbqctmwecfpg4q04km 4x2 – Episode 2

As Uhtred and his men draw closer to Bebbanburg, the prodigal son Wihtgar returns with some tricks up his sleeves. News of a treachery troubles Uhtred.

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8ypbnxrmd7c6w4flig8tzakxhfj 4x3 – Episode 3

Uhtred suffers a great loss on his attack on Bebbanburg. As he retreats south, he takes some valuable captives. Aethelflaed prepares for war.

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Pn030zmsw85e6xlazkc49l6ksgj 4x4 – Episode 4

Aethelflaed and Uhtred ally with the Welsh king Hywel to face Cnut's army of a thousand warriors at the Battle of Tettenhall, hoping that they will be joined by Edward's troops.

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8ip3bkhhz3zpayftnjrpnlsakdz 4x5 – Episode 5

As he lingers near death, Aethelred shows repentance. Ealdormen of Mercia vie for control of the land. Edward uses his niece Aelfwynn as a bargaining chip.

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9znirpjdpqovcc0cis7s5fn58ly 4x6 – Episode 6

Eardwulf and his men pursue Uhtred's party as it flees through a countryside ravaged by disease. Tensions between Edward and the Mercians rise.

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Oqbh04xzixwpg8zv8oatdh3y0hp 4x7 – Episode 7

Aelfwynn suffers from the sickness sweeping the land. Edward proposes an unexpected path forward for Mercia. Cnut's kinsman Sigtryggr arrives in Wales.

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Sgjwc4newqubvjxhluay0iu81z1 4x8 – Episode 8

Uhtred reluctantly prepares to take power in Mercia but he has an alternate plan in his mind. Brida joins the Danes in attacking the Welsh.

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Murvmyvywasb4xa3be28ere5rzq 4x9 – Episode 9

Brida and Sigtrggr lead the Danes to Winchester, guided by the traitor Eardwulf. Haesten ambushes Uhtred's party and seizes valuable captives.

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N4jthqskyqtu4mknllzfglkz28v 4x10 – Episode 10

As he awaits Aethelflaed's reinforcements, Edward besieges Winchester. Uhtred isn't convinced that conquest is really Sigtryggr's ultimate aim. Stiorra seeks to follow her own path. The wind shifts in Winchester.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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